Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day Here In Cleveland

This Father's Day Is Something Special.

"Fathers Day is hopefully a time when the culture says, 'This is our moment to look at who our men and boys are.'"...Michael Gurian

Today is Sunday June 19th, 2016.  It's Father's Day, and it's also the day that Game 7 of the NBA Finals will be played between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors.  Game 7 of course means that it's for all the marbles.  A championship is at stake, and here in Cleveland where we haven't had a major sports championship since the Cleveland Browns won a football championship in 1964, it's a big deal.  This Father's Day is something special.

Father's Day is always a day of mixed emotions for me.  My dad had a lot of issues stemming from his military service, and we never got along.  I'm sure he loved me, but never knew how to express it, and that was tough on me growing up. To be honest with you it's still tough on me...but more so now because I am now a father of two boys myself.  That provides me with the other side of the coin.  I'm very close with my sons in all regards.  We have a very different father and son dynamic that what I shared with my father.  I am very thankful for that.

It's tough being a father at times. You have to constantly walk a fine line between being a disciplinarian and a friend.  Trying to set an example for your children requires you to wear many hats.  The hat of the husband is worn when you are teaching your sons how to treat their future girlfriends and how you treat your wife...while teaching your daughters how their future boyfriends and husband should treat them.  The hat of the coach is worn when teaching your children how to to give something their very best and be gracious in victory and how to handle the disappointment when they come up short. The hat of a judge is worn when you ultimately have to make tough decisions and hand out consequences so your children learn valuable life lessons that they can hopefully take with them when they are young adults.

That being said I wouldn't have it any other way.  Nick & Kevin I love you guys more than words can express.  It's an honor to be your father.  You guys are my biggest source of pride. Watching you guys develop into fine young men is my greatest accomplishment, and that's my biggest take away from the whole dad experience.  I hope when it's all said and done that you know that I tried my very best and that there's nothing I wouldn't have done for you.

Now how great would it be to cap off this Father's Day by watching the greatest basketball player in the world, LeBron James, deliver a NBA Championship here to Cleveland while I watched and rooted him on with my sons? 

Happy Father's Day to everybody out there!  GO CAVS!!!

Until next time...


Here's this weeks video:

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