Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Wisdom You Seek Is Already Out There.


I can't really pin point the exact time and place it was but, about 18 months ago I stumbled upon the Success Hotline.  I'm happy I did. It was a baby step that I desperately needed to jumpstart the personal development process again. 

The Success Hotline is a phone number you can listen to and contemplate...a motivational message recorded by Dr. Rob Gilbert. Dr. Rob Gilbert is a professor at Montclair State University and is an expert in the field of sports psychology, motivation, leardership cultivation.  His messages are usually under 3 minutes, thought provoking, and entertaining.  

The Success Hotline is daily, and as I type this he has recorded 9,212 of these messages.  That type of committment and consistency is amazing.  The number is 1 (973) 743-4690.  Give it a call sometime and check it out for yourself.

As good as the Success Hotline is there is a newsletter/website that is even better.  Dr. Gilbert spoke of it on the Success Hotline and well, since I enjoyed his Hotline so much I decided to venture over and give it the old cyber once over.  Once again, happy I did!

The newsletter is the creation of a terrific man named Jimmy Vaughn.  It's named the IQ Morning Report and it is chock full of invaluable, positive meme's, videos, articles and other resources designed to help you achieve your goals...however lofty they are. Jimmy opens up each newsletter with a summary of the days content and offers his own unique and accurate insight in a grandfatherly manner.  You can't help but like the fella, and I have fell into the habit of calling The Success Hotline and subscribed to the IQ Morning Report daily.  Jimmy Vaughn is a self described "student of success," and he is very quick to give recognition, credit and direction to the pioneers of the personal development industry, as well as the contemporary giants of today.  

There is a huge body of work for us to draw upon...the wisdom you seek is already out there and great thinkers stand the test of time. Napolean Hill, W. Clement Stone, Earl Nightingale, Norman Vincent Peale, Og Mandino, Andrew Carnegie...their writings and teachings alone can enrich anybody's life and in fact the number of people whose lives have been enriched by these great thinkers number in the millions.

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Until the next time...

#GoldenRuleLife Strategy