Friday, June 3, 2016

You Want To Be A Pro Like Gino

Gino Is Going To Hook Me Up!

"All successful empolyers are stalking men who will do the unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing MORE THAN IS EXPECTED OF THEM."...Charles M. Schwab

I need a few new suits so it's time to visit my guy Gino.  Gino is a mens fashion consultant at the department store I shop at. I'll admit that Gino has spoiled me.  The last time I shopped for a couple suits was probably 2 or 3 years ago.  That's when I met Gino.  Gino is a pro.  You want to be a pro like Gino.  Gino is going to hook me up!

I called this morning to make sure Gino was going to be in later in the evening when I would be able to make it across town. Unfortunately, he'll only be working until 2 this afternoon so I'm out of luck. He won't be there until Monday. That's OK. I'll wait till Monday.

You see I'll wait for Monday because I know what I'm going to get from Gino.  A great shopping experience!  Gino has a terrific personality and made it fun last time I was in.  The fact that he has impeccable taste from working in the men's department for a considerable amount of time helps also. He know what's in style. Knows how to accessorize.  He's going to make me look as good as he can, and I'm going to walk out of that store happy that I shopped there. Gino likes what he does and it shows. I kept his business card last time because the moment I left that store I KNEW the next time I was going to be in need of a suit I was going to call him.  I'm a faithful customer when I receive exceptional service.  Want more repeat business? Provide exceptional service. 

Gino was happy to hear from me.  I'm not 100 percent sure he remembered me...I'm sure he will when he sees me...but he appreciated me telling him that I remembered how well he took care of me and that's why I wanted to see him. I told Gino the truth. That one tends to remember professionals who provide excellent services.

That should be the goal for all of us.  To try and go above and beyond in whatever we are doing to earn a living. Even if it's not the ideal situation we should always strive to do the best we can. People notice. They remember. It does make a difference when you do more than is expected of you.  That's a key to success.  One of many that should not be overlooked.

Opportunities open themselves up when you have this type of mindset and attitude.  When you enjoy what you're doing, and you go that extra mile, the inevitable conclusion is that you are going to stand out from the crowd and you will be noticed.  That's how you get ahead.  That's how you create separation.    

Until next time...


Here's today's video: