Friday, April 29, 2016

The Rabbit Hole Of Modern Living

The Rabbit Hole That Is Facebook

"It time be of all things the most precious, wasting time must be the greatest prodigality."...Benjamin Franklin

I remember when I first joined Facebook. It was awesome being able to reconnect with old classmates and catch up.  It was like a cyber class reunion!  Within a few short weeks I caught up with literally dozens of childhood friends and others who I lost track with over the years.  It's a remarkable thing.  Instantly we were able to share pictures of our children and family and recall memorable stories and talk about sports and so much more.  Absolutely incredible.  But nobody warned me about the rabbit hole that is facebook!

I know you know what I'm talking about! Along with the ability to reminisce came all the other posts that suck you in...the politics, the funny animal videos, the news stories...and of course the 999 comments that go along with all these virals posts. You can get on Facebook, and if you're not time conscious and disciplined before you know it you're running late for work or school or any of a number of important things.  Not good.

I was reading an article not too long ago that said that many kids are getting sucked into the rabbit hole of modern living also. Many kids, because they can't even relate to a world without the technology that many of us saw the invention and advent of, find separating from their smart phones an anxiety filled situation. Personally I had to make sure my sons didn't have their phones in their rooms with them when it was time to hit the sack.  Between texting, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites I'm not even in the know about, it can be a real problem! So yeah...the rule in the Kiussis household is no phones in the bedroom when it's time for bed.  Sleep is very important. 

Some of us, when we were kids, use to love reading.  That was our rabbit hole.  At night time we would use a flashlight to read a book under our covers if we were that engrossed.  I'm sure you remember that.  Good times.

Recently I deactivated my Facebook account.  Just too much noise and distraction.  Plus I missed reading books. So I made a concerted effort to begin reading again in whatever downtime I have.  I have to tell you it's been great! Seriously.  But it was not easy.  It took about three days before the urge to log into my Fb account and see what was happening in my newsfeed waned.  I think I even had a slight withdrawal from it lolol! Seriously. There's definitely an addiction component to it!

So now I will go forward with the strategy of jumping on at a set time, or set a time limit on how long I will stay on.  I'm still working it out.  The one thing I know, however, is that my love for books will never disappear, and I will never let the rabbit hole of modern living come between me and a good book ever again.  Not going to happen!  I'll keep you posted.

Until next time...

Check out this video.  You'll find it very interesting if you've ever wondered why we are so attached to our technology.