Friday, June 10, 2016

True Growth Is Never Comfortable

Become Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

"Be willing to be uncomfortable.  Be comfortable being uncomfortable.  It may get tough, but it's a small price to pay for living a dream."...Peter McWilliams

True growth is NEVER comfortable. It's the situations and experiences that challenge us the most that make us stronger and prepare us for the future challenges that await us.  If you are to become the very best version of yourself possible you are going to have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.

It's from dealing and coping with our problems and our unique challenges that we learn how to dig deep within ourselves, find out what type of energy we are really ready to commit, that allows us to face adversity or a new challenge, that the growth comes from.  

This isn't the easiest thing in the world to understand or to do.  And sometimes we may have to go through the same ordeal over and over again until we finally learn the life lesson that we are supposed to. This may not happen on our timetable. But when we do finally reach that breakthrough moment we come out of it with real growth.  We're stronger, smarter, and better for it.

It's a process that we just have to trust in. It's easy to remain in our comfort zones and avoid the hard work and pain that's going to be required out of us to overcome a new challenge. And sometimes when we're not "up to it" we'll defend our decision not to put forth the effort by rationalizing and making excuses.  Not good.  It's avoidance. And we all know it deep down inside.  We can fool a lot of people...but we can never really fool ourselves.

There's always so much more room to grow in all areas of our lives. What sense does it make to remain comfortable when we're not realizing our God given potential?  I believe strongle that if we're too comfortable, we're usually being too complacent.  It's where stagnation breeds. It will manifest itself in some...if not all...areas of our lives...whether it be our personal or professional lives.  

We only get one shot at this remarkable thing called life.  Let's get the most out of it...even if that requires us being a little uncomfortable.  Let's meet new people and try new things.  Open our minds up to some new possibilities.  And whenever we encounter a struggle of some type...understand that there's a certain degree of growth that we'll benefit by overcoming it.

Until next time...which may be a week from now!  I wanted to continue posting three times per week, but I have a new opportunity in my professional life that I am trying to make the most of. With that being the case I will update this blog once a week, unless time allows me to post more frequently.  For the time being.  

Here's this week's video: Harlan's honesty is pretty amusing too!  

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