Friday, April 15, 2016

The Sun Is Shining Today

When The Sun Is Shining We Are Renewed

I'm an early bird.  I've been that way all my life, except for those die hard party years of my early twenties that took me well into the wee hours of the morning...mostly on the weekends.  Those years I pretty much partied like a rock star.  Misdirected, I thought that was what life was, drugs, and rock and roll...which means I would eventually stumble into my room, wherever I was living, and sleep until at least noon...if I had the day off.  There were plenty of days when I did indeed have to work on a Saturday, and well, those days were pretty rough to get through.  Other than that stretch of time I've always woke up early.  Just the way I'm biologically wired I guess.

I love waking up and watching the day unfold.  No matter the season, the one factor that almost always makes me feel great is when the sun makes it's appearance, announcing that it's a new day to planet Earth.  It's no wonder many of our early civilizations had religions that centered around sun worship!  When the sun is shining we are renewed in some way.  It just makes you feel great.

A bit of wisdom I ran across recently, which was made available through the always enthusiastic Darren Hardy in his newsletter, is that the sun is always shining, you just have to get above the clouds that may be blocking it's rays from reaching us.  He relayed a story about how he was leaving a business trip in Seattle; the weather was kind of overcast and gloomy, but soon after departure the plane's elevation was high enough that it was above the clouds and the sunlight was beautifully visible!

I thought it was a terrific analogy to symbolize the choice we can make on how we begin and spend our days.  No matter what is occurring in our lives, the irritations, the unpleasant people, the depressing local news stories, all those clouds so to speak...we can choose to rise up above them in the same way that a plane does to reach the sunshine.  The sun is shining today here in Cleveland Ohio...but in all actuality it's shining everyday above the clouds!

You do not have to let the weather, or nearly anything else dictate your moods.  Of course certain life events are sad.  The death of a loved one for instance, or the loss of a job.  Those are times when it's reasonable to feel depressed, angry, and all the other human emotions that accompany life events of that magnitude.  But to live each and every day in a funk is not healthy, nor is it acceptable!  

Eliminate all the negative inputs in your life!  Stop listening to the depressing local news.  Avoid those coworkers who are chronic complainers.  Stop arguing with your significant other about the petty stuff.  Stop dwelling on the flaws that we all have and you're certain to find if you're looking for them.  Do the opposite!  Listen to uplifting podcasts or television/radio shows.  Start your day by visiting the IQ Morning report hosted by Jimmy Vaughn.  Seek out the company of upbeat, enthusiastic people!  Engage your significant other in a conversation centered around your appreciation for each other.  Take notice of all the good qualities a person has and pay them a sincere compliment on those qualities!  

Above all...LAUGH!  Find the humour in things...especially yourself.

Life is too short to be unhappy.  Don't sweat the small stuff...which 99% of it is!  Rise above the clouds.  The sun is always shining. Think about all the things in your life you undoubtedly have to be grateful for and find a way to elevate your spirits.  You deserve happiness. We all do. Wholeheartedly.

Until the next time...


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