Thursday, April 14, 2016

Kobe Bryant's Passion


You may not be a NBA fan...but chances are you still know who Kobe Bryant is.  His celebrity status as the super star for the Las Angeles Lakers for the past 20 years has made him a household name in the United States, and it's probably safe to say across most of the globe.

This morning as I was watching the news I learned that Kobe played his last professional game of his stellar career last night.  He scored 60 points in an incredible performance against the Utah Jazz in his career finale.  It was fitting that he would end his career in such a way.  His shots were dropping, he turned back the hands of time for a moment. and it was just a reminder of the many great performances he had throughout his long career.  Not many athletes go out on such an inspired performance.  Last night was an exceptional moment for Kobe and his fans.  Kobe's passion was on display.  Even if you're not a Kobe fan you cannot deny that he's one of the most competitive and passionate players whose ever played the game.

Passion.  How fortunate are those who develop a passion for something and develop it to the utmost of their capabilities?  Or even better, those who recognize that they can live their lives with an intense desire and enthusiasm to be the best that they can be?  

Nelson Mandela was quoted as saying, "There is no passion to be found playing settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."  I love that quote.  How often do we play small out of fear of failure, or the opinions of others?  What would or could we accomplish if we acted as if it were impossible to fail? 

It takes a tremendous amount of resolve to stay the course when you've identified your passion.  Often passion correlates with your purpose in life...the thing(s) that you've identified as being most important to your very existence, and that you derive the most satisfaction from.  The things that you get fired up about when you allow your imagination to visit the possibilities that exist...when you dare to fantasize about the optimized YOU.  And it's no small coincidence that your/our purpose is often tied to serving others in some regard.  

Some people's passion...and hence their recognized at a young age.  They hone it and develop it and master a life of remarkable achievements because of this.  The athlete's and entertainers of the world come to mind when I consider this fact. But then, on the flip side, there are many of us who need to voyage through life...experience life and it's lessons to figure out what their passions and purpose is.  That's ok.  The only people I truly feel sorry for are the people who travel through life without giving it a thought as to what their purpose and passion is.  Satisfied to trudge through their existence...this miracle that is life...without recognizing what they contribute to the universe.  Failing to recognize that no matter what their role is in society they matter tremendously to someone.

It was great waking up to the story of Kobe's finale game.  Kobe Bryant's passion was on display one final time for us.

Until the next time...


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