Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Today Was Just One Of Those Days

What To Do When You Get In A Funk

"Happiness depends upon ourselves."...Aristotle

Sometimes it's just like that. There are those days when your best just doesn't seem good enough.  When it rains it pours kind of days. They strike you out of the blue.  It's the complete randomness that makes it so potent.  A sale or two may be canceled. Your vehicle breaks down. You forgot your significant others birthday...or worse your anniversary. Yikes.

Still got to get through the day though.  

This morning I had a dream about my dear mom who departed this world a few years ago.  So real it was.  Made me miss her a great deal and that pretty much set the tone for how my morning was going to go.  And then I found out that a few sales I made last week weren't going to pan out. Great huh?


That's okay. Nobody but a prozac patient is happy all the time. It's okay to own the negative feelings that we all have. I recognized them and eventually made my way through them. I tuned into a few good videos that I found on the IQ Morning Report...I don't always have the luxury to tune in to the IQ Morning Report in the morning!  It's a great pick me up any time of the day actually. That began to turn my day around. See I get that just because I start my day off crappy doesn't mean I have to end my day in a crappy manner. And that's my message for the day.  Short and sweet. Like my wife. Who always makes me happy.

Until next time...


Today's video: Here's a fella who gets it. What a powerful life philosophy he adheres to. 

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