Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Today Was Just One Of Those Days

What To Do When You Get In A Funk

"Happiness depends upon ourselves."...Aristotle

Sometimes it's just like that. There are those days when your best just doesn't seem good enough.  When it rains it pours kind of days. They strike you out of the blue.  It's the complete randomness that makes it so potent.  A sale or two may be canceled. Your vehicle breaks down. You forgot your significant others birthday...or worse your anniversary. Yikes.

Still got to get through the day though.  

This morning I had a dream about my dear mom who departed this world a few years ago.  So real it was.  Made me miss her a great deal and that pretty much set the tone for how my morning was going to go.  And then I found out that a few sales I made last week weren't going to pan out. Great huh?


That's okay. Nobody but a prozac patient is happy all the time. It's okay to own the negative feelings that we all have. I recognized them and eventually made my way through them. I tuned into a few good videos that I found on the IQ Morning Report...I don't always have the luxury to tune in to the IQ Morning Report in the morning!  It's a great pick me up any time of the day actually. That began to turn my day around. See I get that just because I start my day off crappy doesn't mean I have to end my day in a crappy manner. And that's my message for the day.  Short and sweet. Like my wife. Who always makes me happy.

Until next time...


Today's video: Here's a fella who gets it. What a powerful life philosophy he adheres to. 

Monday, July 11, 2016


Persistence Succeeds Where Nothing Else Can!

"Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."...Calvin Coolidge

"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."...Napoleon Hill

Persistence succeeds where nothing else can. I'll swear by this statement. We all have seen it time and time again.  That little boy who was average at best when they began a sport...but who persisted until they were a force to be reckoned with. The little girl who was told she would never be good enough at singing who went on to become a platinum selling artist. The business person or inventor who was told their vision was "crazy" or unobtainable who summarily discounted those opinions to achieve enormous success. We're all very familiar with these types of stories.

I read a great meme the other day. It said: "Tired of starting over? Quit giving up." Man...how true is that? I know there are at least 500,000 things that I could have mastered had I stayed with them. Okay maybe 10...but you get the point.

And we all know this beyond a shadow of a doubt. All of us have at some time or another persisted in something till we got what we wanted or achieved a goal. And the payoff that comes with doing such is incredible.  The emotional payoff is what I'm talking about here. There's very little that compares to the feeling of taking on something that others say you can't or won't achieve...and then achieving it.  It's like BAM!  Perhaps we all need to remember those victories when we are encountered by the obstacles and setbacks that too often derail us. 

It's important to stay motivated.  Things go wrong.  Mistakes are going to be made.  We just can't let these things crush our souls. Every mistake IS truly a stepping stone for another opportunity. There is, undoubtedly, a lesson...a takeaway from every experience we go through in life. Some of the strongest and wisest people I've ever known or encountered went through unbelievable adversity. Some of their stories were heart wrenching. The types of things you couldn't image experiencing. But they came through demonstrating remarkable resiliency and persistence.

Persistence.  That's what it takes to achieve anything worthwhile. Here's the formula: Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence + Persistence = SUCCESS! 

Until next time:


Here's today's video: 

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day America!

Happy Independence Day!  It's All About Your Freedom.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."...Abraham Lincoln

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."...Ronald Reagan

Sometimes I think about my little time and space. My life as it is in the grand scheme of things. And without fail I come away happy and proud to be an American. Especially on the Fourth of July.  I had a sociologist professor once...Dr. Krebs...who said that there are over 2,000 ways to be human. I always remembered that.  It's so profound.  So many different ways to go about the business of being human on planet Earth!

I'm pretty sure most people feel about their country exactly as I do about the United States.  It's just in us to identify with great passion and affection the country and culture we grow up and reside in. I'm also sure that there are millions upon millions of people who started out in another country and culture, who eventually made their way to the United States, and fell in love with our way of life. Most have never returned to their original homeland again.  Not after experiencing American freedom and prosperity.

We welcome everybody here.  It's easy to understand the appeal of the United States.  It's all about FREEDOM.  There is nowhere on Earth that so many people have traveled to in order to escape the suffocating pressure of oppressive and often punitive governments, stagnant economies, and restricted personal liberties. 

We are a nation born from a revolution that desired a level of freedom never previously experienced. Our growth and world standing developed from a shared national and cultural identity that says: "It's okay to be who you are...as long as who you are embraces and elevates our way of life."  You are free to express yourself completely, in every manner of doing so. You are free to sound off on our government without having to worry about being thrown in prison or being killed.  You are free to worship the religion of your choice.  You are free to live a lifestyle that many may not understand...or even agree with...but at least you are free to do so. So many who have traveled here came from places where these freedoms that I just described, and which we enjoy on a daily basis, would result in a swift death sentence.

It's easy to enjoy these freedoms.  But as we all know...freedom isn't free.  Our country has had many internal convulsions to figure out what is in our best interest. We endured a Civil War.  We saved the free world in World War 2.  We've played the world police when other nations stood by idly at gross injustices performed by rogue and tyrannical governments. We have advanced civil rights. We advocate worldwide human rights. We demonstrate our compassion by extending relief and aid by the hundreds of millions of dollars annually.  Our military personel sacrifice their lives and limbs to ensure our way of life and to help others who would be victimized and bullied by their very own people and governments.

True freedom is hard to come by.  It's not easy to be in our position. We are opposed and criticized at every turn.  There are now...more than ever...segments within our population who would love to see our way of life to crumble and be replaced with something different...anarchists abound.  Be careful what you wish for is what I always think.  Too many short sighted people.  We have done an unbelievably great job keeping such a diverse population content to the extent that it is.  I have a hard time imagining a society of our size being able to do it any better.

The convulsions will continue.  But so will the American way of life.  We will work out our issues.  Everyone has to be all in on this. Our national identity needs to be adhered to.  I would be leery of straying too far away from the ideas and philosophies that have led to the great minds and contributors that we have produced.  

God Bless the U.S.A. and HAPPY 4th of JULY!!!

Until next time...


Here's today's video: An amazing story of how our National Anthem came about.