Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Haters Gonna Hate

It Makes No Sense To Be Jealous

"The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves."...William Penn

Haters gonna hate.  You hear this expression all the time.  And I guess when you hear something all the time there's a certain degree of truth to it.  It does seem that people who are jealous like to rain on other peoples parades quite a bit nowadays.  The most puzzling thing about it all is that it's quite unnecessary.  It makes no sense to be jealous.  It's destructive and very self defeating to being the best version of yourself possible.

We should take great effort to avoid being jealous or worse, resentful of other peoples good fortune.  It's toxic thinking. It robs us of having an appreciation of all the things that we are in possession of and who we are.  And it in no way furthers your ability to improve in any area of your life.  

Most of the people who enjoy a good amount of success in life have had to earn it. Sure there are many people who were possibly born into more favorable circumstances.  Perhaps their parents, or grandparents, or great grandparents...you get the picture...were the originators of the lifestyle they enjoy, but should we really hold that against them?  

People get where they are, and have what they have in life because they adhere to a certain life philosophy.  If your life philosophy is dominated by thinking things through and making good decisions, developing sound plans and then taking action to see those plans become reality. you can enjoy the rewards that are available to you in this world.  But fair warning!  Hard work, persistence, sacrifice, character, working well with other people...all these things will play a role in exactly how successful you can ultimately become. 

The greatest thing we can do...instead of being jealous of other people...is learn from them.  Try to emulate what they are doing, or have done, to allow them to enjoy the lifestyle we desire.  We all can learn so much from other people...and I truly believe that most people who enjoy a large degree of success also like to pay it forward. There is a lot of satisfaction to be gained by them knowing that they had something to do with another persons success.  Ask questions.  Approach people. Be bold but not obnoxious and I think you would be surprised how many people would carve some time out of their schedule to lend someone a hand.

Avoid jealousy at all costs. Learn how to celebrate other people's victories and good fortune.  It says so much about a person who is able to do so. Jealousy robs you of being secure in who you are.  It diminishes your self esteem and self worth. Your better than that. You have enormous value.   

Until next time...


Here's another great video.  It's a pretty in depth look at jealousy.

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