Friday, May 13, 2016

The Art Of Appreciation

Appreciation Is Showing Them You Care

"Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.  Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you.  Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it."...Ralph Marston

I am sure with many people it comes intuitively.  And I know that there are people who make sure their children are raised in such a manner that appreciation is a part of their fabric, part of their being. That's parenting done right.  With many of us, however, it is something that we need to recognize and cultivate more.  The art of appreciation, when mastered, can result in you becoming a new person, not just in the eyes of others but in your own self perception.

Appreciation is showing "them" you care. Showing all the people around you that they have meaning in your life.  It's doing something simple like taking the time to make a special home cooked meal for your family.  It's listening to your children when you're spent but they are excited about something and want to share it with you. It's taking a few minutes to rub your dog's belly.  It's lending a helping hand to a neighbor when they are stuck in the driveway after a heavy Cleveland snow!  Ok that one's personal...but my neighbor sure appreciated it.  It's showing a customer or client you remember them with by sending a birthday, Christmas, or anniversary card, or even better by going the extra mile to help them solve a problem or achieve a goal they have. Delivering far more than they expected. 

Gifts are nice!  There are times when a great gift is appropriate.  But everyday well intentioned gestures are rarely a matter of money.  It costs you nothing to pick up the phone and call an elderly relatative or an old friend you haven't spoken with in awhile.  It costs you very little to pack a picnic basket and take your significant other somewhere to spend some time with them.  Somewhere with a spectacular view that they may have spoken about at an earlier time.  It costs you nothing to observe that somebody is in a time of need and offer them an ear to confide in without judgement.

With some effort, and a little creativity, you can wow somebody through the art of appreciation.  It's too damn easy to fall into the routine of taking everything for granted.  We have a tendency to do this. Our family and friends.  Our neighbors and coworkers.  Our community and country.  It makes sense to begin to revive the relationships around us with a renewed sense of appreciation towards them and life in general.  Remember...this life we are leading is not a practice run.  Love and happiness are not the types of things that you should be waiting for, but instead they are the type of things to be experienced TODAY.  Right here in this present moment. And it is only with appreciation and sincere gratitude for the many many things that we're probably taking for granted on an everyday basis that allows true happiness to be felt.

Let's take a moment sometime this week to think about 2 or 3 things we can do to show some of "them" that they are appreciated. And then repeat every week with a few more of "them."  The Universal Law of Reciprocity dictates that appreciation will find it's way back to you for doing so.  How could it be any other way?  Think about it.

Until next time...


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