Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Legacy We Leave Behind

What Do You Wish Your Legacy To Be?

"The greatest legacy one can pass on to one's children is not money or other material things accumulated in one's life, but rather a legacy of character and faith."...Billy Graham

We ALL leave a legacy behind when we exit this world.  Now I know some people give deep thought to such things, while others don't, and that's alright.  To each their most of the things in life.  I personally don't think there's anything wrong with taking a few moments, here and there, to think about the legacy we will leave behind when we move on.  Have you ever thought about that? What do you wish your legacy to be?

Some of us living in this world leave a huge footprint when they pass. They impact lives to such an extent that future generations will be recalling their achievements and quoting their words.  That's astounding when you think about it.  With most of these people I think it is very they are living their lives...that they will be leaving a legacy.  People like Steve Jobs or Bill Gates for example. Of course Steve Jobs has passed on, but it was clear long before he passed that he was going to have a remarkable and enduring legacy because of the contributions he made in both technology and the business world.

Perhaps you have the talent, the ability and the determination to bring the gift of your uniqueness to the world and be recognized for it.  If you do, you should strive with everything that's within you, to share it with mankind and leave behind the next giant footprint of your legacy.  Tap into your creative imagination...tap into your resourcefulness and resolve...and see that you make it available to the world. The world will...and I am sure about this..the world will reward you for your gifts. 

Most of us mere mortals, however, leave quiet legacies behind...and there's absolutely nothing wrong with this! While our legacy footprint isn't left behind in a big way, it IS indeed left behind, and we should understand that it has value.  You see, you matter tremendously to someone. How we live our lives will be remembered by our children, their children, and their children's children...and how we live our lives undoubtedly impacts them as well.  

Sometimes our legacies are the result of a well planned out life. A life well planned out and then executed perfectly. Some of us stumble upon our legacies, or have it thrust upon us.  You never know what, outside of our own planning and control, fate has in store for us.  But it can be argued that facing whatever is thrown our way in life with courage, character, honesty, and faith can...and will...affect our legacies. 

Everyday we have a chance to expand our legacies by being compassionate, thoughtful and helping.  We can reach out to others to lend them a helping hand when they are in need.  We can teach our children how to live a good life.  A life based on the timeless principle of serving others.  We can leave behind a meaningful legacy that was value centered and that was focused on family, friends and community.  Since we are all connected in some way, shape or form, you cannot tell me that this doesn't impact the world in a big way also...with many footprints being left behind instead of just one! What we do, and how we live, matters tremendously to the world as well...and we are all rewarded in kind.

Until the next time...


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