Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day Thoughts

Memorial Day Remembrance

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."...Nathan Hale

"Memorial Day isn't just about honoring veterans. it's honoring those who lost their lives. Veterans had the fortune of coming home. For us, that's a reminder of when we come home we still have a responsibility to serve. It's a continuation of service that honors our country and those who fell defending it."...Pete Hegseth

"My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country."...John F. Kennedy

They are America's best. And without a doubt it is with deep and profound appreciation and respect that we should honor the most courageous segment of our society on Memorial Day...the brave men and women who paid the ultimate price for us to savor the liberties that we so thoroughly enjoy on a daily basis.

Courage and valor. Honor and dignity. Strength and pride. There aren't enough words to describe how I feel about the people who donned an American military uniform to serve and protect our country since winning our independence from England.

I really wish I had of served. I admit that is a true regret of mine. It's not based on trying to prove that I was as brave as the next man...nothing misplaced like that at all. It's more about recognizing that I had some misplaced priorities when I was younger, and that my revised life philosophy necessitates that we are all here to serve. We are here to serve our family, our local community, and our great nation.

There is huge dissatisfaction, and a seemingly unbridgeable divide in the way us United States citizens view our own country. We have people who just can't grasp the significance of what we contribute globally to the ideas of freedom and democracy.  They want to set Old Glory on fire, or lay her flat upon the ground and tread on her as if she is a useless rag.  They do not understand the complete sacrifice that so many have paid in order to keep her waving proudly in the wind. All gave some...some gave all!

I am not saying that our government is perfect. But really...can you imagine another country doing a better job than we do in trying to prevent the rogue nations of the world from encroaching upon their hapless neighbors if not for having the full support of the United States and our armed services?

Truly we all owe a huge dept of gratitude to our nations veterans, and an even greater debt to the families of those who lost a veteran while serving their country. If there ever was a true and valid need for an entitlement program, then that is it.  I am talking over and beyond anything available and offered so far.

I know many who will read this post have a family member...or perhaps several...who served our country and didn't make it back. It is not lost on me the pain and anguish you had/have to deal with. But it is with great sincerity that I say to you this guys eyes...they are heroes of epic proportion.  And that I am extremely grateful to them.  Every last one regardless of ethnicity, race or gender.  They represent...quite simply...the very best that America in all her splendor has had to offer.  God bless our U.S military personnel and God Bless America.

Until next time...


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