Friday, May 27, 2016

Letting It All Hang Out!

Sometimes You Just Got To Have Fun!

"Never, ever underestimate the importance of having fun."...Randy Pausch

Sometimes you just got to have fun! There's nothing like getting together with a few friends and just enjoying each other's company. I have a few friends that, when we get together, it's guaranteed we're going to have some deep belly laughs and stories to tell at a later date.  

There is no reason why, in the pursuit of everything important for a person to get ahead, that fun should be sacrificed. Work hard. Play hard. It's the best way to recharge your battery.

I received two phone calls this week from old friends.  One is a friend who I just don't have a lot of contact with anymore. I tell you what. After just a few minutes of talking we fell into a few laughs reminiscing about things that we both nearly forgot. It was great. It was like we were just transported to a different space and time. With my other friend it turned out that we both had some available time this weekend so we planned to get together tomorrow. Now I can't wait. No matter what we do it's just going to be great.

Sometimes just getting on social media and sharing a few posts with friends can hit the spot.  Tonight for instance my Facebook crew and I are sure to have fun posting about how our Cleveland Cavaliers are going to torch the Toronto Raptors in the Eastern Conference Finals series! Exchanging a dig here and there with my cousins up in Canada is just fun to us.

Look life is serious business.  But that doesn't mean you have to be a stiff who doesn't know how to enjoy him or herself. Loosen up a bit when the opportunity is there. I always tell my boys to TCB. That stands for "Take Care of Business."  If they TCB then they can have as much fun as they want.  As long as nobody's getting hurt in the process.  As a matter of fact my oldest son is at the Virginia Beach National Duals this weekend.  Now I know for a fact he's going to put some work in.  But I bet ya he's going to find more that a few ways to enjoy himself with his teammates!  That makes me happy to think about.

Look I could go on...but today's message is intended to be light and easy.  You know why?  Because I want to go have some fun!  And I encourage you to as well!


Until next time...

#YouMatter Tremendously

I didn't say everybody's fun is of the same variety. These people are wild!!!

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