Thursday, May 5, 2016

How To Ask For Help With Something

Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

"Unity is strength...when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved."...Mattie Stepanek

Sometimes we get in our own way.  One of the ways in which this happens is when we stubbornly refuse to ask for help.  I have been guilty of this many times, especially in my younger days, and because of this it's definitely something I'm trying to impress upon my two sons.  The world is filled with people who actually want you to succeed, but it's pretty important to realize you're going to have to seek these people out...they're probably not going to stumble upon your front door tomorrow...or anytime soon.

I think we're pretty much hardwired to help each other.  It feels good to help someone.  There is an emotional payoff in doing so. It's great to be able to watch a person succeed and know that you played a role in it, especially when that person expresses, in some small way, that they appreciate the help.

The best way to learn how to ask for help with something is to just do it!  Yep. Just like the Nike slogan.  Realize that all people have been on the receiving end of someone else's help at some point or another.  I found that a very straight forward approach works best: "Hey _____, I was hoping you could help me out with something.  I'm trying to _____ and I know you're pretty good at it.  It would mean a lot to me if I could get your opinion on it."  You can word it anyway you want to...the important thing is to muster up the courage and ask for the help that you need.  Don't let foolish pride or your ego get in the way of you achieving your goals.

It should be very apparent to us all that the most successful people have mastered approaching others and asking for help.  This often can lead to long standing friendships and even collaborations centered around a common goal or interest.  We do not live in a vacuum of space, and whatever you are interested in there are thousands, and even millions of people with the same exact interest. Living in the incredible information age that we do, with anything being accessible through the internet, you can find experts, groups, forums, books, help you seek out the guidance you need, should someone not be readily available in your local community.

Remember, the expert in anything was once a beginner.  People want to help you achieve your goals and self actualize.  You do not have to "go it alone".  Teamwork makes the dream work.  Form the habit of becoming interested in others.  Note what they do for their occupation.  Take note of their interests and hobbies.  You would be surprised at who knows what, and at anytime in the future that genuine interest that you developed in other people can pay off should you have an obstacle or problem you need help with.  You'll know who you can turn to.

In closing I'd like to point out that a "team" can be one person helping a friend, family member, or mentor...someone that you're "teaming up with", or it can be a group or organization that you can join to get the help you are seeking.  It all depends on what you're looking to get help with.

Until next time...


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