Monday, May 2, 2016

Patience...The Often Overlooked Component Of Success

It Takes Time To Achieve Anything Worthwhile.

"Have patience.  All things are difficult before they become easy."...Saadi

We live in a world of instant gratification.  It's probably the end result of being absolutely spoiled by the technology that surrounds us. People tend to forget how different things were not too long ago. The younger crowd?  Forget about it!  They laugh out loud when you tell them that at one time you had to turn on the oven to reheat some leftovers instead of zapping it in the microwave for 30 seconds!  Ok, I'm probably dating myself with that example...but it's true.  I actually remember when the first microwaves came out. We were absolutely amazed.  But our lives operate a little bit different than some left over spaghetti.  It takes time to achieve anything worthwhile.  And that requires patience from us.  Patience is the often overlooked component of success.  

We're often unrealistic in the time frame it requires to reach our goals.  We see the people who have achieved what we want to achieve and we become mesmerized by the circumstances they are able to enjoy.  The cold hard reality is that the most successful amongst us had to persevere for a long time! The bigger the achievement, the longer the journey.  A successful doctor had to put in many, many years of schooling to earn his degree.  He had to pay his dues in residency and then build up his practice.  He grinded for a loooong time!  A professional or Olympic athlete usually began their chosen sport when they were just little kids.  Absolutely countless hours of practice and years of competition came before the final spectacular performance that leaves the world audience breathless and amazed.  The successful comedian or actor/actress has go through acting classes and many rehearsals and auditions to 
before they get discovered or recognized.

"Patience is a virtue" was a common phrase used by many in generations gone by.  I'm not sure if it's still said with regularity but if it's not then it should be!  The need for patience needs to be cultivated and practiced by anyone looking to enact major change in their lives, or people who want to accomplish their long term goals. Set goals.  Develop a plan to achieve your goals.  Work hard with determination and stay the course.  Modify along the way if need be. Persist.  Have patience.  You can achieve anything if you can discipline yourself to do what is necessary over the long haul.

Until next time...


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