Friday, May 6, 2016

What Or Who Inspires You?

The Power Behind Being Inspired

"I take inspiration from everyone and everything.  I'm inspired by current champions, former champions, true competitors, people dedicated to their dream, hard workers, dreamers, believers, achievers."...Conor McGregor

Who or what inspires you?  The power behind being inspired is nothing short of miraculous. Is there any child who has grown up who hasn't had an incredible role model to be influenced by?  I sincerely doubt it.  There are inspirations from every arena of life. Sports, music, inventors entertainment, business, religion, the humanities, and yes...even politics.

I love that quote from Conor McGregor and can honestly say that as a child I looked at many different personalities and historical figures and was fascinated by their accomplishments.  Thomas Edison, John F. Kennedy, Muhammad Ali, Elvis, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower and so many more great achievers caught my interest. I use to go to the library and get a biography and spend hours reading about them, their origins and the journey of their lives, and ultimately the accomplishments that they made.

Now, as I've grown older, I can say that my inspiration comes from an even broader cross section of people.  The hero's of everyday life inspire me tremendously.  The first responders like the police or firefighters.  Our incredible military personnel.  The doctors and nurses who serve in all the hospitals across our great country and around the world.  The people who serve others in some shape and fashion.  And then there are the hard working people of our country who embrace the grind and forge ahead on an everyday basis to provide a living for their children and families.  And we can never forget the people who are thrust into life and death situations who fight the battles that nobody invites into their lives, but arrive anyway...the people who heroically fight diseases.

And then there are our non human inspirations.  The many different wildlife that shares this planet with us, the endless beauty of nature that surrounds us.  The splendid mountains that thrust themselves up towards the heavens, the rivers, lakes and oceans, that sustain us and which we boat upon.  The canyons and valleys that cross our country.  It's not hard to find inspiration in almost anything that nature provides for us...if we can take just a moment to look around us and enjoy it all.

How bout yourself?  You may...or may not...consider yourself a source of inspiration but that matters not.  We often do not know exactly how many people...our friends, family members, coworkers, etc... have took note of the way we live our lives and the deeds we have done.  I can assure you more people than you realize have YOU  inspired through your life.  It may have been some courage you displayed or an obstacle you overcame.  It may be the humour and kindness you display...or the quiet dignity you carry yourself with. 

It's ok to be inspired at any age!  Dream big.  Fantasize.  Establish big goals that you want to achieve.  Plan them out and seek out the assistance of others to help make them come true.  As the always super motivational Les Brown says: "You have greatness within you!"  Tap into it and it will serve to inspire others.  Share yourself with the world.  Ask yourself what or who inpires you?  Chances are you share some of the exact same characteristics of what inpires you.

Thanks for reading this post.  That inspires me right there!

Until the next time...


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