Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Power Of Being An Optimist

As You Think So Shall It Be

"Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress."...Nicholas M. Butler

Being an optimist gives you an undeniable edge in every facet of life. It's rooted in belief and faith, both in oneself and in the world in which we live.  The power of being an optimist is that when problems or setbacks occur, as they eventually will, you have the understanding that "this too shall pass" and can see past the momentary obstacles.  As you think so shall it be.

Our history books are filled with accounts of optimism.  Often there is a strong leader associated with these events whose unparalled optimism can give courage and hope to an entire nation of people. Winston's Churchill's leadership during World War 2 is a fantastic example of this.

Imagine a world without unyielding optimism.  Doesn't sound like a lot of fun does it?  I'm a big believer in the fact that optimism can be cultivated...even if you've been a total pesstimist your entire life. I would suggest trying to be more aware of your overall attitude. Whenever you catch yourself caving in to a pessimistic thought pattern try to replace it with an optimistic positive thought.  Mental "spin control" so to speak.  Give it a real go for a substantial amount of time because replacing ingrained thought patterns won't happen in a day or two.  But I can speak from experience that the more you practice maintaining a mindset of optimism and positivity, the easier it will become AND the better you will be for it.

Also...safeguard your optimism.  Recognize quickly the people who have a "woah is me" attitude and pessimistic out look on everything. Gravitate towards people who are upbeat and enthusiastic about their life.  People who exude a confident, positive, optimistic vibe. It's all about the Law of Attraction people!

Until the next time...


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