Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How To Be More Productive

The Power Of The "To Do" List

"If we boost productivity, we can improve economic growth."...Tony Abbott

Without a doubt the very best way for you to become more productive and more efficient is to incorporate a daily "To Do" list. You hear a lot of talk concerning time management related to the discussion of productivity.  The reality is that you  cannot manage time.  We all have the same twenty four hours in a day to work with. It goes by at the same speed as everybody else's does.  What we can do...what we do have control activity management.  And the power of the "To Do" list is THE time tested method for mastering activity management.  This is the first thing to master in learning how to be more productive.

Personally I prefer the old school method of pen and paper when creating my to do lists.  But in these modern times you have plenty of options.  You can create your daily "To Do" list on your phone or tablet, and yes there are even apps that you can check out if you're so inclined.  The choice is yours.  The important thing is using a method that you're going to stick with.

We can't trust our memory to get things done.  You'll disappoint yourself.  Believe me I've done it a thousand times.  Too many things pop up during the course of our day that compete for our attention, time, & energy.  Distractions galore!  Having a "To Do" list allows us to stay on be have a game plan on how we are going to attack our day.  After utilizing a daily list for any stretch of time you'll find that you're getting things done.  And it's a great feeling checking things off of your "To Do" list!  It gives you a sense of accomplishment.

I personally like to create my "To Do" list towards the end of my day. Everybody has a different style and approach.  Some prefer to make theirs in the morning before they begin the day.  As you begin to utilize a "To Do" list with regularity, you will soon see that you can strategize your day better by giving certain "high importance" activities priority. 

It's also important to realize that you don't have to be a slave to your daily "To Do' List.  As a matter of fact it's best to just prioritize your list by the activities that create the most impact for you...the ones that "pack a punch"...if you will.  Many advocates of "To Do" lists only advocate putting a few, no more than three, high priority activities on your list.  Personally I feel that's for the individual to decide. Some have a lot more energy and less demands on them throughout the day than others.

At the end of the day it all boils down to the fact that "To Do" lists help you manage your activities a more efficient manner. Properly utilized you'll create more time for yourself and be way less stressed out.  It helps you honor your committments and stay on top of things.  As we all know well focus is everything. Click here for an article that can give you more insight on the benefits of using a "To Do" list.  

Until next time...


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