Friday, April 22, 2016

Why The World Will Miss Prince

Prince Was Authentic

"All these non-singing, non-dancing, wish-I-had-me-some-clothes fools who tell me my albums suck.  Why should I pay attention to them?"...Prince

If you spent the better part of the Eighties in your teen years, like I did, then without question you know exactly what I mean when I say Prince was authentic.  An original.  One of a kind.  He exploded into national recognition with a visual and musical style that was unique and unapolegically his own. 

Sure the Eighties were characterized in general by a kind of excessive look...big hair, parachute pants, etc...and sure other huge stars like Madonna and Michael Jackson were also pretty wild looking and unique...but nobody...and I mean nobody...owned that persona more comepletely than Prince.

That's what, aside from his lyrical and instrumental genius, made him so successful in being able to have crossover fans like myself. Sure, I was mostly hard rock and heavy metal, but there was no denying the immeasurable talent and charisma that Prince had. What teenage boy who watched Purple Rain...the smash movie that really made him famous...couldn't relate to the angst that he suffered in regards to his music, his gorgeous girlfriend, and his relationship with his father.

His was a unique story.  A tremendous career and individual whose hallmark was just being himself.  The man, and his unlimited musical creativity, will be missed.  

There is something very special and powerful in finding...and then being...your most authentic self.  It seems that the people who are able to reconnect with that part of themselves are the happiest on Earth.  I say reconnect because I am of the opinion that most of us go wayward somewhere in young adulthood.  There is nothing more enviable to a grown up...trapped in the grind of a lifestyle that is killing them slowly...than the unadulterated freedom and self expression of a young person not yet robbed of their dreams.

What would your life look like if you had of never gave in to the conformity of working that 9-5 that you stumbled into, all because you wanted to please other people?  Isn't it possible that with a little more grit and determination...with a little more resiliency and a little less might have been able to tap into the true talents and abilities that you have within you?  Perhaps you are doing exactly what you wanted to be doing when you were a child.  If so congratulations because you are a successful person!  But if there is a passion that you have repressed...a talent or ability that you've been keeping within you...then chances are the world hasn't been exposed to the most authentic version of you that there is.  That's food for thought. 

RIP Prince...and thank you for your authentic brilliance.

Until next time...


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