Wednesday, May 18, 2016

This Great Adventure Called Life

Your Life Can Be An Adventure

"One way to get the most out of life is to look at it as an adventure."...William Feather

So I go into my sons room to roust him out of bed this morning. My two sons share a room together and one is in Jr. High and one is in high school.  Since that is the case, I do my youngest son the favor of letting him have uninterrupted sleep and I wake up Nicky as quietly as possible instead of having Kevin waken up by a blaring alarm clock a half hour before he needs to be.

Well as it turns out Nick was up probably a little later than he should have been, watching the NBA playoffs since our city Cleveland is in the Eastern Conference Finals and his favorite player of course in the incredible LeBron James.  So I wasn't upset. But after several attempts to get him up which he wasn't responding well to...I had to raise my "Dad" voice a wee bit to motivate him.

As he was eating breakfast he asked me why he couldn't sleep in 10 or 15 minutes more.  I seized on an opportunity to discuss the importance of habits.  I explained that there are good habits and bad habits, and habits are what shape the results of our lives.  Getting out of bed as quick as possible is a good habit.  Anybody can lay in bed for another 10-15 minutes and think about how tired they are...but is it REALLY going to help?  Some would say "Hell Yes!", but to be honest it's never worked for me. It usually sets a negative tone for the day. I prefer to think of a few things I'm grateful for and a few things that might help get me excited about the day that I'm about to embark upon.

I told him that as he starts the day he should be excited!  This great adventure called life could surprise him on any given day.  Today could be the day that he meets his future wife!  By the way, he looked at me like I was crazy when I said that.  It could be the day that he meets a future business partner or that he gets an idea that could send him in the direction of his greatest dream.  Anything can happen on any day.  

The point is that we don't need to view each day as routine.  We should be excited to see what is waiting for us as the day unfolds. As paraphrase the great Jim Rohn, its about what we can get FROM each day...not just getting THROUGH each day! If you observe young children you'll notice that within a very short time they are up and enthusiastically attacking their day! Yes.  I know going to the job doesn't have the same appeal that watching cartoons does.  But certainly there's some sort of challenge that you can create or objective that you can meet in your workday that can get you a little fired up.  Perhaps it's just the group of people you're working with. When I was in my late 20's I worked a construction job with a few fellows who I had a ball with.  The work was hard but I tell you we had a lot of laughs while I worked there and I came away with some very funny stories and memories.

Your life can be an adventure if you view it as such.  It's all in your attitude.  And if you're so miserable that you can barely drag yourself through the day...if you're in a situation where you absolutely can't stand who you work with or what you do...I would suggest taking action.  Strong action. That type of existence and those types of feeling will absolutely kill you.  I believe both literally and figuratively.  Begin looking for a change.  Perhaps a better employment situation.  Perhaps taking the risk to becoming your own boss.  Perhaps returning to school to acquire a new skill set.  There are plenty of options available. Don't settle for a miserable existence. While every single day isn't going to be a pleasure cruise, certainly it doesn't have to be the type of life whereby you begin to resemble an extra on the Walking Dead show! As Robin Sharma said: "Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life."  IF you're not happy with it I would add! live for the experience!  It's not the years in your's the life in your years!

Until the next time...


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