Monday, April 18, 2016

Live For The Experience

This Isn't A Practice Run

"It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves-in finding themselves."...Andre Gide

I'm just a few short months from turning fifty. The "Big Five O". And I would be less than honest if I said there wasn't a certain amount of apprehension associated with turning fifty.  I don't know if it's simply because I'll be qualified for the AARP or what.  All I know is turning forty didn't phase me in the slightest. But fifty will start you thinking.  After all, this isn't a practice run.

Perhaps it's because when I was much younger I thought I'd have a lot more things accomplished than what I have thus far. I mean at one point I wanted to be President.  That was in second through fourth grade.  And at a different point I wanted to be the lead singer of a rock band. That was probably 6th through 9th grade if my memory serves me right.  See you know you're getting up there when you start saying "if my memory serves me right".

All I know for sure is that no matter who we are, we all at some point are going to have to face our own mortality.  With both of my parents having passed well as many of my other older relatives...I guess fifty is as good a point in my life as any to think about how I want the remainder of my life to play out.  Which I'll certainly do.  After all, with the miracles of modern science and the breakthroughs in the field of medicine being what they are, perhaps I'll be able to reach that glorified centurian status!

It's really important for us all to live for the experience.  "The experience of what" you might ask?  The experience of everything that can cross your mind and that isn't in conflict with your value system or harmful to anybody else.  There is so much to experience in this remarkable world that surrounds us.  I had a sociology professor who once said something that I've never forgotten.  He said "there are over 2,000 ways to be human."  Thank you Dr. Krebs.  Being a kid raised for the most part in suburban Cleveland that struck home with me. It fascinated me.  The fact that us humans can...and in every type of environment, and that our cultures can differ so tremendously is just amazing to me. I know that travel is definitely going to be a big part of my bucket list.  

Life is short.  We should all strive to live the life of a brave explorer or adventurer.  Without a doubt life should be fun and exciting and we should wake up each and every morning with some type of compelling reason to attack our day.  And while we may not have the ideal job or circumstances to do Indiana Jones type things at this present moment, just the goal of being able to in our future should give us all the incentive we need to work hard to design the life we want.  Are there going to be setbacks along the way?Bumps in the road?  Heartache?  Bumps and bruises?  Yep.  You can count on that.  But never despair that they are things that you can't overcome.  Without question you can...and will.  And then you're back trying to live for the experiences that uniquely challenge and satisfy you! 

Perhaps life after fifty won't be so bad after all.  With the right attitude it could be the best years yet!  Wow.  Now I'm looking forward to it.  It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

Until the next time...


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