Friday, April 8, 2016

It's The Start That Stops Most People

Use Baby Steps If You Have To

Sometimes...often as a matter of's the start that stops most people.  By the way "It's the start that stops most people" is a quote that, from my internet research, is attributed to Don Shula the great former coach of the Miami Dolphins.  I fell in love with that quote the first time I heard it.  Awesome wisdom in that.

There are many many reasons why we don't begin the things we should really do.  Most of them really are not "reasons" per se, but excuses.  And although I don't know the originator of this next quote, it's another great one: "Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure."  We use the excuses "I don't have enough time" or "I'm too tired at the end of the day" or "I don't have enough money" or "I'm too old" to justify why we don't get started doing the things that we need to do to improve our lives.

This blog is a perfect example of that.  As it turns out it wasn't really that hard to start this blog.  It's just a matter of sitting down and doing it.  Discipline.  Let's face reality here.  If something is important enough to you, you'll find a way to carve out the time to make it happen. You know it and I know it.

Another reason we tend to procrastinate is that our belief system is in need of an overall.  Some of the things we put off can be downright daunting in nature.  A real challenge that's going to require some elbow grease to make it happen.  Things like losing a considerable amount of weight to improve your health, well being, or appearance.  Or making a job or career change because you have zero satisfaction from what it is you do.  Or ending an abusive relationship that you've been in for entirely too long.  

Things of this nature require you to be strong.  You have to absolutely dig deep and make the commitment to begin and then see it through.  You need to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! And I know that may not be the easiest of things to do.  Trust me when I say this.  But working on yourself is never squandered time, and there are people out there who want you to succeed and who even believe in you when you are finding it hard to believe in yourself!

Take baby steps if you need to.  If you need to lose weight change an eating habit.  Just one positive change to get you started.  Take a walk around the block.  Just a small change.  You don't have to completely revamp your life to initiate a change...but hey if you can do that all the more power to you.

The point is...just begin.  From there your confidence and belief will develop.  But you have to begin.  You can do it.  I BELIEVE YOU CAN. 

To begin changing your life for the better financially click on this link


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